Tuesday 5 May 2009

Quick update

Not a lot been happening just lately on the bike front, went out for a ride a couple of weeks ago to track down a couple of fishery's i am interested in fishing.
When i set out the weather was lovely and sunny, crossed the forth road bridge and it was just like somebody had flicked a switch, the heavens opened the wind ripped up and it turned into a thouroughly miserable affair! worse was to come upon my return though, as i was cleaning the bike i spun the rear wheel and the edge of the balance weight almost sliced the top of my index finger off! Talk about blood everywhere, still a bit of gaffer tape and the job was sorted till i could finish cleaning the bike and get it looked at properly.
I Have been stocking up on parts though, the gasket set is here for the Kwack and now i m just waiting for the front camchain tensioner blade to arrive and i can rebuild the engine and the frame paint is here for the Honda so i can begin that job when time allows.
Anyway enough waffle for now Barrie.