I am sure there are people who rave about the R100Rs, sadly I am not one of them! Don't get me wrong, love the engine and chassis but I just can't stand the narrow handlebar's or that barn door fairing. "So why buy one you might ask?" Well air cooled BMW's are not as ten a penny as they used to be, don't get me wrong there not in short supply yet but the day will come. I wasn't looking for another bike but when this one was offered to me I couldn't say no, it was complete although hadn't run for approx three years and it wasn't in that good a condition as to become all prissy about modifying it to suit my tastes, i.e get rid of stupid handlebars and that god awful fairing!!!
First thing's first, better make sure its a runner and low and behold a new battery, couple of plugs and she's firing on all cylinders, albeit a bit lumpy but i think a carb clean is in order and that will smooth things out a bit. Now after giving the bike a once over the only major flaw preventing me riding it was a shot rear master cylinder so that was hastily rebuilt and bled and we was ready for a road test. This just confirmed my suspicion that the r/h carb needs a clean, the brakes are friggin dire on old bikes and those bloody handlebars are as awful as I remember from the last time I rode an RS!
So let the transformation begin with a bit of a strip down and I will keep you updated on progress as an when.