Friday 6 August 2010

Mot time

It seems to have come round very quickly but that's me had the Blade for a year now, so time to put a mot on it. After a good check over all I could find was a sidelight bulb blown in the head lamp, although why its called a sidelight when its mounted in the middle of the fairing I will never no, but with said bulb replaced I was feeling fairly confident of a pass so booked it in for this Friday. Typically Friday duly arrives and after it being fine all week its pissing down with rain!!! so I have to get my romper suit on and head and head off for the testing station.

I arrived with no drama on route although I did see a twerp go into a roundabout miles to fast and exit it backwards, I was glad to be far enough back for it not to cause me any concern but you really do have to question the mentality of some of the idiots that drive on the roads today!
One hour later I am clutching my freshly printed certificate, its stopped raining and I have devoured the best bag of chips I have had in a long time and now the sun is out for the ride home, all in all a good trip me thinks and the bike is fit for purpose for another year.

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