Thursday, 30 December 2010

Been a while!

Bloody hell not blogged since August! Not very good eh? I have no excuse I've been lazy, no hang on that's not the way of the world is it? Its got to be someone Else's fault, so who can I blame for lack of diatribe on this blog!

Well I started back at college so I could blame that, as they keep me busy or how about my dog, yes its my dogs fault I had to walk her when i should have been blogging, I'm struggling here, maybe I can blame Allan, he should go oot more often then I would have more stories to tell!

How about forgot to take the camera with me when I have been out ( this is actually true Dickhead!) hang on though that puts the blame back at my door! I am going to buck the trend here and say its all my fault, Guilty as charged your honour I have been a lazy bugger so to try and make amends I will add a few pics of some of the rides and promise to do better in future!


  1. dont blame me u lazy bugger. ;op

  2. Why not grommit? Anyway I prefer methodical to lazy :)
