Thursday, 14 April 2011


Vfr in front of Etive Mor

I took a run up to the Great Glen today, was going to be the last chance I get to go out whilst on my holidays so thought I would combine an assignment an a run out. The day started off as I had expected very grey but hey at least its fine, that lasted up until Stirling but to be honest I only had a few light showers once I was off the motorway.

The traffic was fairly light so I was able to make good progress and saw plenty of fellow bikers out an about, with a sprinkling of roadworks here and there but no major delays, wind temp was a bit cool on the way up but the sun broke out for the return journey.
I stopped at the welly for a coffee before realising I had forgotten to take any cash out! but luckily I had a bottle of pop with me an a sandwich so I didn't fade away whilst on my travels. Someone over filled their petrol tank and spilled it all over the floor; I almost parked in it but someone kindly stopped me, I thought it was water being right in front of the air and water pump!

On the way back I detoured to the fall's of Dochart where a lass walked straight out in to my path without looking, good job I was just trickling along or she would have been flattened, I could here her mother bending her ear after I passed. I parked up and finished my juice while having a look at the falls an then set a course for home.
It was a good run an I was a bit stiff when I got back but its the first time I have done any real miles since last year so only to be expected. Overall a great trip, shame Alan was working as all that was missing was a bit of banter but hopefully we will make up for that with a trip to Oban at the end of the month...........

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Honda cb 750 bobber

Little bit of CB750

I thought I would fit the rear brake linkage and pedal this morning, so I washed it down in the paraffin tank, applied a nice big dollop of grease and suddenly realised it didn't fit!!! Sod it, I must have removed it with the swing arm out. Now I thought about it and dropped the shock off the r/h side and with a bit of gentle persuasion it was in, chuffed I was having being able to fit it with out removing the swing arm........

So whilst on a roll I thought I would fit the chain, you know whats coming don't you, you do, the bloody chain is an endless one!!! so I still have to take the swing arm out, oh well can't win them all eh?

Thursday, 7 April 2011


Put the wing rack back on yesterday ready for a few trips out, I am not keen on ruck sacks so the top box comes in handy for throwing bits an bobs in when your having a day out.
Not terribly exciting I know but I thought I would modify the seat cowling so it would fit on with the luggage, I don't take pillions so I thought it would just clean up the back end a bit. I just laid the cowling roughly in place so I could mark where the carrier came out and then drilled a series of holes around the line an finished shaping the slot with a burr grinder in an electric drill.
I am happy with the end result and at the end of the day can pick a cowling up of fleabay if I want to take the rack off.