Friday 10 August 2012

No It's Not Me!

I pinched this from Bubble Visor.

Valentino Re-united With Yamaha

The Doctor has signed a 2 year deal to ride for Yamaha, thank God for that! tbh I could not bear to watch him circulating around sixth place for another 2 years on the Red Shed.
It's always sat a bit uneasy with me supporting him whilst he's been riding the Duc of Death, and anyone who knows me will know off my passionate dislike for Ducati's but support him I have just glad to see him back on his beloved M1.

Rossi confirms Yamaha deal

Thursday 9 August 2012

Run In The Sun

Took advantage of this purple patch of weather to have a run along the coast up to Pittenweem this afternoon after work, bloody lovely flying along the twisty backroads, not many bikes about about though, did see a gaggle of Harleys in St Monans but they didn't wave! what is it with Harley riders, are they so stuck up there own arse that they can't manage a nod to anyone not riding America's fastest tractor?
Have to say the seat is a tad hard to put it politely but I have a cure for that I think and when I've tried it I shall report back.
On way home unfortunatley came across an accident where a learner had been knocked off whilst out training, bike was pretty bent to fuck by all accounts but the rider was on his feet chatting to his instructor and the car driver so thats the main thing.

New Carb Tops

I picked up a pair of these alloy carb tops from I think they look pretty striking and kind of remind me of the extended float bowls you used to get for Amal carbs, just need to find time to fit them now!

Gav's Commando!

Nope I don't mean that he runs around all day with no kek's on either! Let me introduce you to a very nice 750 Commando of the Norton variety. I am hoping to take some proper photo's of this bike in the near future but for now here's a wee taster.

Friday 3 August 2012

Spies Jumps Before Pushed?

Odd one that! don't often see a factory rider leap out of one of the hottest and most coveted seats in Moto GP, I know he has his detractors after this years performance but the guy is a class act and if he hadn't had bad luck this year he wouldn't have had any at all! 

Will Ben's decision finally pave the way for the return of the Doctor? lets hope so, sooner he throws that red shed in a skip the better, I disliked Ducatis before Valentino joined them and they have done nothing to change my mind since then.

So come on Vale join Yamaha and lets see you back at the sharp end for the last couple of years of your fantastic career.

Hein Gericke

Sorry to hear that Hein Gericke has gone into administration. The chain has 47 branches including three in Scotland and employs around 200 people, and its the staff I feel sorry for as the majority of them will be bikers. I read in the newspaper the administrators plan to keep trading until a buyer is found  and I hope that that's the case.
I like Hein Gericke kit, I have a pair of their textile trousers and their the best fitting trouser I could find at a reasonable price. 
In my opinion all this talk of recession puts the fear into people to stop them spending their hard earned, if we had a bit more positivity coming from the powers that be and less doom an gloom I reckon folks would start spending again or is that too simple?
Remember folks you can't take it with you so enjoy it whilst you have it!

Sand Racing at Kirkcaldy

Kirkcaldy & District   motor club is going to celebrate its 9oth anniversary on the 11th of August by holding sand racing on the beach at Kirkcaldy, there will be around 30-40 bikes taking part some modern and some classic machinery from around 2.30pm until around 6pm.
Sand racing began sometime in the 1920's and continued up until the 2nd world war, the last race was held in 1954. It is hoped that if enough interest can be generated it will become an annual or biannual event.
Fingers crossed its a success, bloody typical I'm working that Saturday!

The Gods Must be Smiling On Me!

A few weeks back Alan an I were discussing how lousy this summer has been and how much it as now costing us too go for a good run out for a day when he announced he was chopping the Fazer for something smaller to cut costs and to be fair I was thinking the same thing with the Bandit. Now don't get me wrong the bandit is a lovely bike and you would be hard pressed to find another anywhere near as clean but I just didn't have any emotional attachment to it at all, it was fine too ride and did everything asked off it but it just left me feeling cold and I just wasn't getting any pleasure from owning it really. So to cut a long story short we thought about getting a pair of z750's and ripping it up like a pair of loons but when we had a close look the newer ones look the biz but the early ones just didn't do it for me and I hate them pressed steel Kawasaki swingarms, there a bloody nightmare trying to adjust your chain properly, so Alan decided he was going to buy a versy and I decided to wait and save my pennies for what I really want and that was a Triumph Bonneville. That's when fate intervened a few weeks later, for we had one in stock at work but it was well out of my league but we had a bit of good fortune and ended up with some spare pennies, now to get the Bonnie at work was going to rely on another piece of good fortune because even with the extra pennies it was still way out of my budget but fortunately my boss did me a cracking deal and it took me right to the limit of my savings but I got her, a one owner from new 2010 mag wheel Bonneville with less than 3k on the clock
Now I had a meridian Bonny years ago and I regret selling it to this day but I have fancied one of the Hinckley ones since they first came out when I saw them in Jack Machin's window in Lincoln years ago, to say I'm stoked with it is an understatement, I could just stand and look at her all day an never get bored so here she is.