Monday 11 May 2015

Scotia Challenge

This year i thought i would give the Scotia challenge a go. This is run by the Scottish Classic Motorcycle Club and you have all summer to vist and photograph your bike at various checkpoints to try to gain one of three awards,Gold, Silver or bronze, ideally this would be carried out on a classic machine of 15 years or older but you can participate on a modern bike if you wish, you just cannot win the Gold award.

As per usual I have been my usual slow to get going self and managed to have neither of my classic bikes ready (or anywhere near ready) for participation, so this year year I am going for the bronze award which entails travelling the length and breadth of Scotland collecting 30 checkpoints and next year i shall do it on a classic bike!!!

Here are my first four gathered today:

 The Tullies Stones
 The Falkirk Wheel
 Spitfire Monument, Grangemouth
 Not the Sunshine State Unfortunatley

Only 26 more checkpoints to go, it's going to be a 
busy Summer.

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