Thursday 2 April 2009


With there being a bit of a spell of good weather I thought it would be wise to make good use of it, so a plot was hatched to go for a tea an a cake at Largs with brother Allan.

Originally we was going to go Tuesday but with me needing a tooth ripping out we had to delay a day and so we went on Wednesday, the plan was i was to ride up to Kilmarnock meet up with Allan and then onto Largs.

The weather was dry with a bit of spring sunshine and hardly any wind which makes a refreshing change, we arrived at Largs about 12 and went to the Nardini cafe as pictured above for a tea and a danish which although was very nice I would not score it highly for value for money, if you took a family in there it would be a dear do!

Then it was off too the chippy as i was buggered if i was paying £4.50 for a cheese sandwich lol, which turned out to be one of the best bags of chips I've had in year's, lovely and crisp not soft and dripping with fat as seams to be the norm nowadays.

After dinner a nice slow ride back ensured a fitting end to a good day with a quick cuppa at Allan's before heading home, all in all very impressed with the Rex only had one slight hiccup when i nearly ran out of petrol but that's my fault an not the bikes.

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