Thursday 8 October 2009


Well folks, Blade is all I thought it would be an more, To be honest I have not had as much time to get out an about as I would have liked, but it does really float my boat.
The only problem I have is not really a problem with the bike, more a me problem is that having a bit of a gut it makes it a stretch to the handlebars, so two choices either lose weight or fit higher handlebars; I'm going to do the handlebars, can you blame me? its a much quicker fix plus when you spend as long as I have honing a physique you don't want to spoil it eh!

In other news as regards my two project's, now that I am a full time student I haven't had the time too touch them, no excuses other than that, but i do need too finish or make some headway on one of the bugger's so I am going to get the frame powder coated on the CB 750 as soon as funds allow and push on from there.

I thought about doing the wee Zed as a track bike for quickness but I have been told in no uncertain term's from SHMBO that this will not happen, apparently I am past all that tomfoolery, ( that's not quite the terms she used you but you get the picture) But I do have some other ideas, but again its time more than anything, but then I suppose theirs no great rush but once the Bairn arrives I will have even less of the precious commodity we recognise as hour's, minute's and seconds.


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