Tuesday 20 April 2010

The cure

The wheel bearings checked out okay, and the head bearings were dry but possibly reusable but i thought I ain't come this far to put it all back together again and find out that there is still a problem, so I fitted new head bearing's and a new front tyre, and a massive improvement straight away! No more wobbly front wheel at low speed (always a bonus in my book) but still not holding a line like it used too, so what i did was dropped the forks through the yolks another 5mm and this seems to have cured it.
Time will tell, I need another good run on the bike to know for sure but tbh I am lacking on the motivation front, every time I get the chance to go for a ride I would sooner do something else, dunno maybe it's the pre-birthday blues that I get every year and with this one being a biggie I find myself doing a lot of recollecting and soul searching at the moment.

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