Monday 19 April 2010

Long time no see

It's been a while since my last blog so i better bring you up to speed on recent event's of the fireblade.
For a start the initial test ride didn't go well! the bike felt like it was riding on knife edge and the front end was very unstable so back to the workshop and a bit of a loosen and a tweek off i went again and this time it felt better but still nowhere near right. I upped the pre-load on the rear shock and this definitely made it feel better and I thought at the time with changing the seating position i might have to try to get it to sit down more at the front, she certainly felt like the tail was wagging the dog, but the changes I made had made a vast improvement so I thought the old gal would be ready for a proper shake down, Wrong! by god was I wrong, the trouble with my earlier runs was the road is a bit of a one trick pony, its not going to throw any surprises up and its pretty uniform, also I was running her low on fuel so that I could change the petrol tank ( which I have done by the way) when I went too meet up with Al I filled the new tank and straight away I was fighting to keep her on the road, every bend the bloody thing wanted too pick itself back up as soon as you tipped it into a corner and then as the day went on the steering got progressively worse meaning that when i slowed for roundabouts it wouldn't steer.

So after a bit of discussion we narrowed it down to: wheel bearing's, head bearing's, the step in the front tyre although the con census was that this should make it fall into corners not make it harder to get it over or the bike was still sitting down too much at the rear.......... to be continued

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