Tuesday 29 May 2012

Eurosport Home Of Bikes!!!!

Can't say I was massivley impressed with Eurosport last night, with the WSB running late due too two pansies playing fucking tennis! Two bloody channels and Tennis on both of them when did tennis become so fucking important? Get your act together Eurosport and don't let it happen again!!!


A picture of me new can that is all!

Oh and I need to clean that bloody rear wheel again!!!!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Ouch !!!!!

Guy Martin has been living up to his tag again "Go Big or Go Home" well He certainly went big! lucky to only suffer a few cuts and bruises. i shall be rooting for you again in the TT this year, C'mon Guy!!!

New Shock

Allan bought a new shock off Ebay, new dog bones, bushes and apparently the handling is transformed.
Update The shock is of a R6 And it came from Fuck you or I think thats what Allan said!!


Now this does just look the Biz! Japanese market only though Im afraid unless you import one.

No Better Place

I know we moan about the weather up here in Scotland but when you get them hot sunny days there is nowhere else I would rather be threading my bike through the scenery. Me and Allan went for a run through Perth and cut across country to the west side through Killin up to Tyndrum and then onto Inveray before coming back past Loch Lomond up to Stirling in glorious full technicolour sunshine on Wednesday, hardly a breeze for most of the journey, certainly the best weather we have had for a bit. Anyway here's a few pics, must have been a lot of like minded bikers that day as we saw loads, I wonder if there was a lot of sick notes being handed in on the Thursday?

 These wood carvings were amazing, the fine detail had to be seen to be believed!

Thursday 17 May 2012

Casey Stoner to retire

Have to admit that I was a bit taken aback at the news this afternoon that Casey Stoner was going to retire at the end of the 2012 season. I don't claim to be one of his biggest fans but his on track prowess are second to none being one of the Aliens of the sport; his battles with Lorenzo, Pedrosa and Rossi when he was running up the front will be sorely missed on the track, being the only rider to have tamed the carear killing Ducati and handing them a world championship I think has got to be up there with all time great achievements as well as giving Honda there only world title during the 800cc era.

The Flying Top Box

Thought I would surprise Allan and turn up UN-announced on Tuesday when he finally picked up his fazer. The sun was shining and the evaluation I was writing up could wait, so I hopped on the Bandit and turned up at Cupar just as he had completed his paperwork, good timing eh? On close inspection they had fitted a new pair of Pirelli Angels, the jammy sod and it looked quite splendid in the sun so we set off for the milk bar at Powmill for a bowl of luke warm soup. The thing was though I couldn't understand why to the left of me it was bright sunshine and too the right of me it was bright sunshine but the road ahead was dark and overcast when I suddenly realised I was riding in the shadow created by Allans jumbo top box! he's not known as the "flying top box" for nowt tha knows!!! Anyway Broth was consumed and we set off for Kincardine were we split up and went on our separate ways, not the longest run but nice to get out for a few hours.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Bandit Rules, Fazer Falls

Well the first run out on the Bandit didn't go quite to plan, not the Bandits fault though. Yesterday was going to be a run over to Cupar to collect Allan's Fazer and then off to the welly via Perth for a well deserved bacon butty, but unfortunately the fazer was set to limp (he he) and they failed after eight days to have it ready in time so Allan through his toys out the pram and didn't want to come out for a run so I ended up taking a ride over to his place to pick up a few of the Bandit bits an bobs.
The run up the M8 was friggin head wind as usual and my helmet was strangling me so it was an uncomfortable start but the sun was out and it was dry so I arrived at Allan's to find him in his pj's face down blubbing on the living room carpet as his new toy wasn't ready after a cup of tea he had decided to go for a run out afterall, so we headed off to Castle Douglas which was interesting! the first stage of the run consisted of roads that even Fife council would be ashamed off with patch on top of patch and enough pot holes to give a surface of the moon appearance so progress was measured until we cleared the worse of it and found a nice wee cafe in a one horse town that had served the Hairy Bikers back in 2009, were we had the ubiquitous bacon butty. After refreshments it was on to Castle Douglas pass Loch Kenmore and then picking up the A75 to Dumfries. Castle Douglas is a fairly nice looking town with a very busy High Street but as usual we struggled to find petrol with only one small garage we pushed onto Dumfries which couldn't come soon enough for me as I was getting low on Juice so the first garage we saw we pulled in filled up and had a feast whilst watching some old duffer in a Lotus Elan keep backing up and driving forward on the forecourt whilst he waited for his mates to fill up. We also spotted about four Fazers but me being the top mate that I am didn't make light of the fact or take the piss that Al didn't have his ( Much anyway ). After Dumfries it was along the A701 to Abingdon services where we stopped for a blether and split up, I came back through Biggar on the A702 which was a beautiful run with the wind behind me briefly teaming up with an XJR 1300 and a CB1300 for part of the journey before arriving home in the nick of time for tea. Overall it was a nice run, would have been better if it had been a tad warmer but like I said it was dry and you can't have everything. No pics today as nothing really caught my eye apart from the fazer thou that followed me along the last part of my journey, I thought it was Allan for a moment but then I remembered his is still in Cupar awaiting some PP9's ;-)

Friday 11 May 2012

First Ever Rossi Bike For Auction

Ducati are auctioning off Valentinos GP11 today, this will be the first ever ex Rossi race bike to come up for sale. 
Cannot for the life of me think why he wouldnt want to keep it can you?

RM Auctions 

Saturday 5 May 2012

A Few More Bandit Pics

Big Well Done To Cal Crutchlow

 Just how nice is it to have a British rider doing well in Moto GP? Its been a long time coming but by God it is good to see, 3rd place on the grid tomorrow for Estoril and out qualifying the factory Yamaha's of Lorenzo and Spies. Good luck in the race tomorrow that first podium is not far away!

Friday 4 May 2012

Allans Fazer Thou

Thankfully Allan had his brain re-inserted the right way round and got rid of his Duc! as you know he replaced it with the bandit I now own as a stop gap but now he has bought a Fazer 1000 in Silver on an 05 plate, he's been on about them for about three bloody years so I am not sure why its taken him this long to buy one but at last he has one now and hopefully it will be all that he hopes it to be. So along with the bandit i shall be updating Allan's progress with hisFazer and compare the two.

Bandit 1200 I Hear You Cry!

Here she is the next chapter in my long and varied motorcycle journey, a Suzuki 1200 Bandit K2. A very,very clean example I hasten to add has been licked clean and put to bed under blankets I swear! 
I caught sight of this a couple of months ago and Alan bought it and I don't say this lightly but it didn't look out of place in a new bike showroom and in truth wether he will admit it or not I think he bought it because he knew I liked it and would happily have a deal with him when he was ready to change. I was ready for a change and I wanted to be sat more upright and wanted something that needed a bit more input from the rider than the Vfr so this fits the bill perfectly. I shall update my thoughts of Bandit ownership over the coming months but it does bring back memories of jeans, leather jackets and trainers of the hooligan types that used to cruise the streets on LC'S.

Bagstar Seat and Au revoir VFR

Well this s the last VFR post. Over the winter I did some light fettling including fitting a Hagon shock, new back panel and this beautiful Bagstar seat. I bought this seat off Ebay a few weeks ago and its stunning, really suits the bike and because its made on a standard Honda base it fits perfectlly but alas it's time to move the VFR on to a new home after a couple of realy good years its never let me down once and we even travelled to the Moto GP at Silverstone last June. So with a little sadness I wish her and her nw owner well on there travels.