Saturday 5 December 2009


"So ", I hear you say," exactly what have you been doing you lazy b'stard while your wife has been busy increasing the Scottish population?"

Well I have been busy too, on the bay of evil collecting trophy's for when I am allowed time off shitty nappy duty and drag myself back too my den! And I have been having some success, I managed too get a great pair of S/h shocks and a new wiring loom for the wee z. Now i wasn't looking for a wiring loom, but one came up in pristine condition and considering how much the one I repaired had been cut and chopped about i would have been a fool not too buy it, and too make it even better I got it for a snip so I am well chuffed and to fit that is the next job.
I also Bought a new clear rear light lens that will go nicely with my new LED indicators for the Blade, so all in all I'm a happy Bunny

Till next time

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