Sunday, 15 February 2009


As beer should be a important part of our diet's, with it being full of natural ingredients i thought i would test a few different ones from time to time and report back my findings.
So to begin with i decided to try Wells Banana bread beer. It reports on the label " that long ago ale was known as liquid bread" now i like this kind of thinking, and basically it carries on to say that to there finest malt blends that they have added fair trade nannas to awaken the senses with there own natural mineral water, well on appearance it is light in colour but not over aromatic and to be honest i could not really smell bananas, even upon tasting i could not defiantly say there was really a recognisable banana flavour but it was quite enjoyable but a tad sweet for me, unfortunately for me though it did not agree with me, probably to rich for my Constitution and repeated quite heavily all the following day which did taste of bananas! leaving me feeling quite wretched all day!
So to sum up, not for me i like to drink my beer and enjoy it for one night not have to taste it all the following day, one question it did throw up on another matter though was why are crisp manufactures so flippin tight these days?

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