Wednesday 25 February 2009

CB 750

Right as you can see from the photo's I have got a bit further, the Carb's have been removed and the engine has been removed.
The carb's came off relativley easy, with the rubber's to the manifold or the airbox showing no signs of perishing or exssesive hardening so they will be re-used although the airbox may be dumped in favour of K&N's, don't know, still to make my mind up on that one.
The carb's will have to be stripped though as the old girl struggles to make over 70 and i suspect that they are full of gum as the bike has been stood up for a few years, she makes good compression over all four cylinders, no misfire so i am pretty sure it is a fuel prob.
I forgot just how heavy these engines are, Jesus! with a lift a twist a wrench an a pull it was free an me plums dropped into the top of my socks, i soon put it down i can tell you, still it's out now an i have put it on the jack so i can move it about more easily.
I won't be stripping the lump, just shim it service and paint it and that will do I think.

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